Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Indigo: What does VOVINAM mean to you? _ Sunday, 20th Sept

What does VOVINAM mean to you?
VOVINAM is the only kind of material arts originated from Vietnam.
“VO” here stands for Material Art; “VINAM” stands for Vietnam. It includes hand, elbow, kick, escape and levering techniques. Both attack and defense technique are trained as well as forms, combat and traditional wrestling.
As a matter of fact, people of any ages are attracted by VOVINAM due to its considerably physical benefits. What about you?
Take the chance to enrich your knowledge of our own country’s material art.
Join us with funny games & videos & real helpful practice with some VOVINAM warriors.
Be punctual!
Time: 3.00 pm, this Sunday, 20th Sept 2009
Place: Quang Trung Secondary School, Dang Tien Dong steer, behind the Dong Da mound.

Saturday, 16 May 2009

CONFLICT MANAGEMENT- The Art of Human Behavior

Conflict arises wherever human being exists. Whenever two people come into contact, the potential for conflict abounds. Conflict happens within families, at workplace, between groups in our society and right in the middle of our most personal relationship. Apparently, conflict is inevitable to anyone. It is not whether you encounter conflict in your life. It is what you do with conflict that makes difference.

Come to INDIGO workshop this Sunday to talk about conflict, to share your experience and to figure out how well you deal with conflicts.

Workshop: CONFLICT MANAGEMENT - The art of Human Behavior
Time: 3p.m – 5p.m, Sunday May 17th
Place: Quang Trung secondary school, Đặng Tiến Đông street, Đống Đa district.

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